Conferences & Symposiums

One-day symposium on Modelling and Machine Learning approaches in Chemoinformatics and Drug discovery

  • Started: 27, December 2023
  • No. of Days: One Day
  • No. of Participants: Around 150

About the Events

      The main aim was to facilitate knowledge exchange and exploration of advanced modelling and machine learning techniques in Chemoinformatics and Drug Discovery during the symposium, fostering collaboration among researchers, practitioners, and industry experts to drive innovation and address challenges in pharmaceutical research and development.The symposium is organized in CSIR-NEIST and eminent scientists including Prof. Kunal Roy, Jadhavpur University, Prof. U. Deva Priyakumar, IIIT-Hyderabad, Dr. Deveshkumar, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Dr. R. Parthasarathi, CSIR-IITR, Dr. Sucheta Tripaty, CSIR-IICB, Dr. Madhavi Sastry, Schrodinger Inc., India were attended and delivered the lectures.

One-day symposium on Computational Chemistry and Material Science

  • Started: 27, November 2023
  • No. of Days: One Day
  • No. of Participants: Around 150

About the Events

      The one-day symposium featured presentations from leading researchers, showcasing the latest advancements and applications in the field. Attendees gained insights into computational methods, molecular modeling, and materials design, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange. Prof. Shigeru Yao, Fukuoka University, Japan, Dr. Altaf Hussain, Research Scientist, Fukuoka University, Japan and Dr. Rahul Kar from Dibrugarh University delivered the lectures in diverse areas of computational chemistry and material science. Participants from CSIR-NEIST and Kaziranga University attended the symposium.

One day seminar on Need and Status of Bioinformatics in NER

  • Started: 15, March 2022
  • No. of Days: One Day
  • No. of Participants: Around 150

About the Events

      The main aim of the seminar was to bring together researchers, academicians, and industry professionals to exchange knowledge, discuss recent advancements, and explore future directions in the field of bioinformatics. The seminar was organized as part of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations of the institute and aims to foster collaboration, disseminate cutting-edge research findings, and facilitate networking opportunities to accelerate progress in bioinformatics research, application, and education within the Indian context. The seminar was attended by 5 nos. of resource person, some of the faculties and students from NIPER Guwahati and NIPER Kolkata.

Indian Conference on Bioinformatics (INBIX 2021) held at CSIR-NEIST

  • Held: 11-13, November 2021
  • No. of Days: Three days
  • No. of Participants: Around 150

About the Events

      The Indian Conference on Bioinformatics (INBIX 2021) with the theme of the conference was “Strengthening Computational Drug Discovery” aimed to bring together leading scientists, researchers, and industry professionals to showcase recent advancements, discuss challenges, and explore opportunities in the field of bioinformatics. Through keynote presentations, panel discussions, and interactive sessions, the conference seeks to facilitate knowledge exchange, foster collaboration, and promote networking among eminent scientists, technologists and young researchers together in the area of bioinformatics and computational biology across the globe to provide a common platform for discussing their achievements and newer directions of cutting-edge research.Ultimately, INBIX 2021 aims to stimulate innovation, inspire new research directions, and contribute to the growth and advancement of bioinformatics in India and beyond. A total of 141 participants registered for the conference and 3 nos. of participants were from abroad and a total of 92 abstracts were submitted. Total 17 nos. of speakers delivered their talks on the research.

CSIR-Summer Research Training Program (SRTP)

  • Held: 16-22, August 2020
  • No. of Days: One Week
  • No. of Participants: All CSIR Laboratories

About the Events

      CSIR-SRTP 2020 offered research-based training to students and faculties from diverse academic backgrounds. Aimed at igniting scientific research amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the program catered to participants from B.Sc, M.Sc, B.Tech, M.Tech, MCA, and M.Pharm disciplines affiliated with various universities and institutes.The program was coordinated by CSIR-NEIST and was mentored by the faculties from 38 CSIR laboratories as well as from different institutes/universities. A website was created for the program to provide all the related information to the participants. The programme was livestreamed on YouTube, MS-Teams and Facebook and the archives of the lectures were made on YouTube which can be accessed anytime.The online training provided an experimental basis virtually in different focused research areas which covered specialized lectures, online practical sessions and demonstrations of high-end equipment, instruments and experimental procedures. A total of 77 videos were made on the different experimental techniques and videos on demonstrations of equipments covering their working principle were uploaded in the CSIR-SRTP YouTube channel. A special session on COVID-19 by “COVID WARRIORS” on the detection techniques, immunoassay for COVID-19, COVID-19 & AI-based approaches, vaccine basics and the role of micronutrients to boost immunity etc was organized. Research scholars of CSIR-NEIST displayed short videos on 17 SDG goals of United Nation. Effort was made to create awareness on 17 sustainable goals.

International Conference on “Engineering Sciences and Technologies for Environmental Care" (ESTEC 2020)

  • Held: 20-22, February 2020
  • No. of Days: Three days
  • No. of Participants: Around 150

About the Events

      The conference intended to bring the eminent scientists, technologists and young researchers together from several disciplines across the globe so as to provide a common platform for discussing their achievements and newer directions of cutting-edge research. The conference focused on the recent advances in Engineering Sciences & Technologies from theory and experiment to applications for sustainable development and environmental care. The scientific program consisted of plenary sessions, invited talks, oral and poster presentations. About 20 nos. of foreign and 180 nos. of Indian eminent scientists joined in the conference and deliver their talk as plenary and invited speakers pertaining to the subject area, including oral and poster sessions for the foreign and Indian delegates were also be arranged.

Conference on Recent Advances in Bioinformatics

  • Held: 23-26, May 2019
  • No. of Days: Four Days
  • No. of Participants: Around 150

About the Events

      The conference focused on Recent Advances in Bioinformatics to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and industry professionals to share insights, exchange knowledge, and discuss the latest developments in the field. The conference aims to highlight emerging trends, cutting-edge technologies, and innovative applications in bioinformatics, fostering collaboration and networking opportunities among participants. Ultimately, the conference seeks to accelerate scientific progress, stimulate interdisciplinary research collaborations, and inspire future advancements in bioinformatics research and its diverse applications in healthcare, agriculture, and beyond.

Seminars & Workshops

Hands-on ChatGPT workshop

  • Held: 04-05, August 2023
  • No. of Days: Two days
  • No. of Participants: Around 150

About the Events

      The workshop provided participants with practical, hands-on experience in utilizing ChatGPT, enabling them to understand its capabilities, applications, and implementation across various domains, thereby fostering proficiency and innovation in natural language processing technologies. Various other AI tools were demonstrated which makes our everyday tasks lot more easier like voice recording, image editing, voice synthesizer etc. A total of 19 nos. of participants attended the workshop. Certificates were issued to them after completion of the workshop.

Online Seminar on ChatGPT: Unravelling the Conundrum livestreamed on Online

  • Held: 05, June 2023
  • No. of Days: One Day
  • No. of Participants: Around 250

About the Events

      By hosting an online seminar livestreamed on YouTube where more than 200 participants attended the seminar.It was focused mainly to unravel the capabilities and applications of ChatGPT, fostering understanding and exploration of its functionalities among participants from diverse backgrounds, while facilitating discussions on its implications for natural language processing and broader AI innovation to the audiences.

DBT sponsored One-day workshop on Python and Machine Learning in Bioinformatics

  • Held: 04, April 2023
  • No. of Days: One day
  • No. of Participants: Around 150

About the Events

      Facilitated a one-day workshop sponsored by DBT focusing on Python programming and Machine Learning techniques in Bioinformatics, aimed at enhancing participants' skills to analyze biological data, fostering collaboration between computational and life sciences fields, and promoting innovation in bioinformatics research and application. Dr. Prasanth Suravajhala Principal Scientist at the School of Biotechnology, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham and Dr. Renuka Suravajhala, Research Scientist, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has delivered lectures and hands-on on the application of python in systems Biology. Participants from different region of NE states were attended and benefitted through this workshop.

Workshop on “CADD Methods, Algorithms, Software” sponsored by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.

  • Held: 12-17, December 2022
  • No. of Days: One Week
  • No. of Participants: Around 50 Students

About the Events

      The workshop majorly focuses on the development of open-source software, the implementation of various advanced methods and algorithms for computer aided drug discovery. 39 students from different labs including CSIR sister labs (CSIR-IITR, CSIR-CFTRI, CSIR – NEIST, CSIR-IHBT, NIPERI-Guwahati, NIPER-Mohali, NIPER-Kolkata, JNU, ILS-Bhubaneswar, IIT-Delhi, IIIT-Hyderabad, Banaras Hindu University) have been selected to attend this workshop. Eminent scientists and pioneers in the field of Bioinformatics, Genomics, Chemoinformatics and Machine learning delivered the talks in the workshop.

One day seminar on Need and Status of Bioinformatics in NER

  • Held: 15, March 2022
  • No. of Days: One day
  • No. of Participants: Around 250

About the Events

      The seminar aims to bring the experts in Bioinformatics from different parts of India. The eminent speakers have shared their research findings, exchanged knowledge, discussed the recent advancements, and explored the future directions in the field of bioinformatics. The conference aims to foster collaboration, disseminate cutting-edge research findings, and facilitate networking opportunities to accelerate progress in bioinformatics research, application, and education within the Indian context.

Two days preconference workshop on Galaxy and NGS During INBIX 2021

  • Held: 09-10, December 2021
  • No. of Days: Two Days
  • No. of Participants: Around 300

About the Events

      The workshop majorly focuses on the development of open-source software, the implementation of various advanced methods and algorithms for computer aided drug discovery. 39 students from different labs including CSIR sister labs (CSIR-IITR, CSIR-CFTRI, CSIR – NEIST, CSIR-IHBT, NIPERI-Guwahati, NIPER-Mohali, NIPER-Kolkata, JNU, ILS-Bhubaneswar, IIT-Delhi, IIIT-Hyderabad, Banaras Hindu University) have been selected to attend this workshop. Eminent scientists and pioneers in the field of Bioinformatics, Genomics, Chemoinformatics and Machine learning delivered the talks in the workshop.

One day workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery (AIDD)

  • Held: 01, September 2020
  • No. of Days: One day
  • No. of Participants: Around 3500

About the Events

      The seminar aims to bring the experts in Bioinformatics from different parts of India. The eminent speakers have shared their research findings, exchanged knowledge, discussed the recent advancements, and explored the future directions in the field of bioinformatics. The conference aims to foster collaboration, disseminate cutting-edge research findings, and facilitate networking opportunities to accelerate progress in bioinformatics research, application, and education within the Indian context.

Training Programs


Skill development program on AI and ML for the students of different streams under under CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative

Duration of Training

--- Updtate soon ---

No. of Participants

Around 18 No's.


Skill development program on AI and ML for the students of different streams under under CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative

Duration of Training

From 18, December 2023 to 24, February 2024

No. of Participants

12 No's.


Skill development program on AI and ML for the students of different streams under under CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative

Duration of Training

From 01, March 2023 to 24, June 2023

No. of Participants

24 No's.


DST sponsored Research Exposure cum Training Program in AI and Machine Learning Domain Areas for Students form North Eastern States and UT's of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh region

Duration of Training

From February 2023 to April 2023

No. of Participants

24 No's.


Skill development program on AI and ML for the students of different streams under under CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative

Duration of Training

From December 2022 to February 2023

No. of Participants

40 No's.


Skill development program on AI and ML for the students of different streams under under CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative

Duration of Training

From April 2022 to June 2023

No. of Participants

18 No's.


Skill development program on AI and ML Engineers under PMKVY

Duration of Training

From February 2022 to April 2023

No. of Participants

11 No's.


Drug Discovery Hackathon Mentorship and Training Program

Duration of Training

From 30, September 2021 to 29, September 2022

No. of Participants

26 No's.

Presented Posters

  • All
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024

DAE Symposium in Current Trends in Theoritical Chemistry on September 2020

Presented by Ms. Kripa Dristi Dihingia

During One Day Symposium in CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam

Presented by Dr. Selvaraman Nagamani

North-East Sustainable and Inclusive Development on November 2022

Presented by Ms. Kripa Dristi Dihingia

National Seminar on Ethnopharmacology for Bioeconomy: The New Paradigm(EBNP) on November 2023

Presented by Dr. Asheesh Kumar

DAE Symposium in Current Trends in Theoritical Chemistry on September 2020

Presented by Dr. Hridoy Jyoti Mahanta

A National Symposium on Recent Advances in Chemistry - Theoritical and Computational Aspects(RAC-TCA) - November 2022

Presented by Ms. Kripa Dristi Dihingia

National Seminar on Ethnopharmacology for Bioeconomy: The New Paradigm(EBNP) on November 2023

Presented by Dr. Esther Jamir

Science for Society, Environment and Sustainability on November 2022

Presented by Ms. Kripa Dristi Dihingia

National Seminar on Ethnopharmacology for Bioeconomy: The New Paradigm(EBNP) on November 2023

Presented by Mr. Sarangthem Dinamani Singh

Science for Society, Environment and Sustainability on November 2022

Presented by Ms. Kripa Dristi Dihingia

National Seminar on Ethnopharmacology for Bioeconomy: The New Paradigm(EBNP) on November 2023

Presented by Ms. Dipshikha Gogoi

North East Research Conclave on May 2022

Presented by Dr. Selvaraman Nagamani

International Conference on Systems and Processes in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (ICSPPCB-23) on March 2023

Presented by Ms. Kripa Dristi Dihingia

North East Substainable and Inclusive Development on November 2022

Presented by Dr. Selvaraman Nagamani

Theoritical Chemistry Symposium on December 2023

Presented by Ms. Kripa Dristi Dihingia

North East Research Conclave on May 2022

Presented by Dr. Hridoy Jyoti Mahanta

Theoritical Chemistry Symposium on December 2023

Presented by Dr. Selvaraman Nagamani

North East Substainable and Inclusive Development on November 2022

Presented by Dr. Hridoy Jyoti Mahanta

The 22nd International Congress of International Society for Ethnopharmacology (ISE) & the 10th International Congress of the Society for Ethnopharmacology (SFE), India (ISE-SFEC 2023) on February 2023

Presented by Ms. Dipshikha Gogoi

National Symposium on Crosstalk Between Animal Research and Alternatives-2023 on September 2023

Presented by Ms. Dipshikha Gogoi

Theoritical Chemistry Symposium on December 2023

Presented by Dr. Jyotirmoy Deb

1 WEEK 1 THEME on November 2024

Presented by Er. Debasish Saikia & Mr. Bikram Phukan

Research and Industrial Conclave 2024, IIT Guwahati

Presented by Ms. Dipshikha Gogoi

Indian International Science Festival(IISF), IIT-Guwahati on December 2024

Showcased this at IISF Venue, IIT-Guwahati

Indian International Science Festival(IISF), IIT-Guwahati on December 2024

Showcased this at IISF Venue, IIT-Guwahati